Become a member
- How can I become a member of the pool?
- Do you offer swim trials for the pool?
- I have been a member of the SwimGym pool previously: do I need to join a new Try-Out?
- Previously I joined a Try-Out at the SwimGym pool, do I need to another one?
- What swimming level is needed?
- Are there any age limitations or can my child become a member of the swimming pool?
- Does a waiting list apply for new pool memberships?
- Can I use the pool if I am not a member?
- Is a one-time (drop-in) swim session possible?
- Can a friend join me in the swimming pool?
- What is the registration fee for the pool?
- What payment options do you offer for the pool membership?
- How can I look up the invoices for the swimming pool purchases?
- Do you offer corporate memberships for the SwimGym pool?
- Can I joint the swimming pool with OneFit, Gympass or ClassPass?
- Do I need to join a Try-Out in order to become a member of the SwimGym pool?
- Where can I find my contract for the swimming pool membership?
- What is the difference between starter, mid and pro-level for the SwimGym pool?